Wednesday, December 20, 2006

In your face "all you can eat"

Here is the family attending a local "all you can eat" Chinese feast at China Coast on Main St. west. They have an emergency button the hostess pushes to alert the chefs that we have entered the building. They also call in security to escort us out after the fifth serving! Although I did not enjoy it so much later on that night as I rolled around in the hay for hours, it was a good time.

You know what really grinds my gears? When people who are merging off the highway onto the viaduct by the redrose tea building and come to a complete stop then try to cut into traffic
from a dead stop..... that folks really grinds my gears!


Anonymous said...

Thats it! I'm moving to NB. You guys have it all, Great Food & Beverage, Beautiful River and Seaside, gorgeous landscape - I hope you all know how lucky you all are. Party on dudes!

nozzleguy said...

well we don't have vegimite!

nuclearwasted said...

However we are fortunate enough to have enough cotton production to produce socks that can extend above the ankle, poor Downunders if you are in such dire straits perhaps Nozzle could ship you some of his old hockey socks that extend high above the knee so warm and comfy Merrie then all could be Numpties certainly a Kiwi's dream come true. I should not forget to mention that said socks would arrive with an aroma uncomparable to anything south of the equator isn't that true Mrs. Moose.

nuclearwasted said...

Merry Christmas folks, hope to see you soon for the holidays afraid I have to work tonight [thursday &friday] and tomorrow night howeverbecause of a rash of sick time 40 oz flu I suspect in most cases. Oh well such is life still off Christmas and New years so shouldn't complain. Great to see you up and around Greg take care though over the holidays not worth getting sick again. Bye for now.