Saturday, December 09, 2006

Farewell thee

I would like to advise everyone that juggling x-mas ornaments is not a good way to find out whether or not they are glass. This is a picture of one of the remaining ornaments. I feel really bad because our friends Eric and Amanda had us over for dinner and all I brought to the table was a couple of their busted ornaments.

Folks I have decided to put the tidbit section on hold to make room for my new section "what really grinds my gears"

-You know what really grinds my gears? People who tip the Tim Horton's girls but will hardly roll the window down to tell the gas guy to fill it up in the rain let alone give him extra money. That folks REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have mostly self service petrol stations here and they are also undercover - plus nobody here tips - The filling station attendants get a real bad deal in Canada - I'll remember to tip them big, next time I visit. ps Don't knock Tim Hortons dude - just appreciate it, because we have to live without it and that really grinds our gears. As for the bauble - that was a really random blog - I s'pose thats what blogs are for though.