Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A game for the books!

This was the scene of the teachers vs. spouses ball hockey game that Mme. Green's school hosted last week in the afternoon. Unfortunately the teachers were better prepared for the game and won. Personally I think it was sabotage, the teachers all had the right size sticks, while we had to use the ones that were for the kids. Also I think our goalie was paid off! Anyway needless to say the kids had fun watching.

Tidbit: Don't play pranks on the master prankster! Game on old wise one!


Anonymous said...

Nozzle, I think its time to put your thumb and your forefinger in the shape of an 'L' on your forehead and admit defeat...go on you can do it...You lost...build a bridge and just get over it.... stop makin' excuses...LOSERS! You just have to be gracious in defeat sometimes....

nozzleguy said...

conditions were less then ideal next time we will win!

nozzleguy said...

Hey sockit2me I can't comment on your blog anymore it says there is something wrong with my password?