Sunday, December 17, 2006

Best party since birth!

Hey everyone. As anyone that was there clearly knows this was the best party since birth! Although there were a few key players (nuclear-wasted and family and the Green girls from Freddy Beach) missing we had fun nonetheless! What a spread of food! Everything from scallops wrapped in bacon to chocolate fondue. It was also a great surprise to get a phone call from the Toomeys from down under, so nice to hear their voices again. Even though Cole did not say much I know he was excited that he was listening and Luke I think I will leave the golfing to you when you come here I will be with the bar cart! AKA baaa caaaaaart. This is a group picture taken around 10:30 or so and that is Ol' Moosegreen talking to the Toomeys (he had to leave the room because he can only here one thing at a time.) And also my parents Charlie Brown X-mas Tree.

Tidbit: 2 reasons not to drink and drive: 1-you might spill the beer and 2-it makes the coke flat



hEY NOZZLE, you cut down this tree for me...and now it's a CHARLIE BROWN TREE!! What did you pull off, lets get the moose people an ugly tree and lets keep the best one? What's up with that? I love my tree and I happen to know you do too. Mrs. Nozzle does too. Did you see as much food as we had last nite? Yea yea yea, we even had scollops wrapped in stringy bacon. Stringy Canadian bacon that is. Nuclear called us too, we missed him, but hey, someone has to work.. I'm signing off for now because it is now past my bed time, (12;05am) monday. We were sooo happy that the 2me's called while we were eating, drinking, and being merrie.

nuclearwasted said...

I think it's a fine looking tree perhaps Nozzle was to far removed from those pesty wobbling ALPINE pops to clearly see the forest for the tree. Wasted is in severe withdrawl and depression after visiting this site with all those pines on display screaming out to me drink me oh great Wasted one.

Anonymous said...

ROFPML ....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Oi vay or in Fijian Walei (pronounced Way - lay) you folks are too much.

Hail you - Great Wasted One!!!! (she says bowing her head)