Sunday, December 31, 2006

Damn molasses cookies

Well folks cross your fingers for me. Yes Mrs. Moosegreen you can cross yours as well. Going to need all the luck I can get for this one! Weather is a little bit warmer today. It would have frozen the balls off a brass monkey yesterday! I have to work tonight at the firehouse which is ok because we are having "death by wings" and I will wake up above the weather! I will blog tomorow on both the nights Mrs. Nozzle and I had.

Greener's deep thought: It wasn't being successful at this year's challenges that is so great, it was the person you became accomplishing them!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Rappers from Cape Cod

No one's hotter than a New England gangsta! From New Hampshire to Vermont. I would just like to say that turkey bird number 4 was the best. Sorry Mom, sorry Rossann and sorry Eric..... I am pretty sure number 4 took the prize. I cooked a turkey dinner today and invited a few people over (I would have loved to have all my good friends over but it was only small) and we stuffed our faces! Of course there were a few wobblies to follow. Mrs Nozzle seems to be haveing a good vacation (although I still have to work does not seem to phase her) . I have never seen a phone ring more then Vets Taxi, Who's calling?

Tidbit: I would like to congratulate New Zealand Toyota on winning the prize for funniest commercial, voted on by North American T.V. viewers, Tallied by TBS.

Nuts of steel

Here is my little buddy Bradley trying to crack me a hazelnut on boxing day My house was the first stop in the annual boxing day visiting rounds. He finally did manage to crack the nut for me!

Greener's sincere thought: Farewell to former president Gerald Ford. He was the only president in American history not elected for Vice president or president, yet he sat in both chairs.

Silly Santa

Well that silly Santa messed up again! I think where I have the only woodstove on the street Santa uses my house as a portal. Well on his way next door he seemed to have dropped 2 presents for my wee lil' neighbours Matthew and Caitlyn. He did the same thing last year. Maybe it was all the wobblies left for him along the way.

Sincere thought: My heart goes out to the family a young 17 year old Alex Corrence of the Mississauga Rebels Midget "AAA" hockey club who suffered a heart attack on the ice which resulted in his death.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I give this Christmas a "B minus"

Nothing better then spending Christmas night with your good friends, and Shayla successfully captured the process of us getting snapped on egg nog . The other picture Is of Ol' B-minus Shannon Face and Jay-Man Wonder trying to leave. Of course Jay-Man is sporting his new shirt that Santa left him. Apparently everybody knows it has something to do with poker except jay. Turkey bird number 3 went well, although my stomach is not so well. Pounds of turkey and alcohol takes its toll!
P.S. Nice wrapping Greg.

Greener's Deep thought: Why is it that when girls put lip gloss on it is so much hotter then when guys do it?

Monday, December 25, 2006


World meet Natasha, Natasha meet........... What a girl she did alright today at our family Christmas dinner, takes one of a kind to sit through that display of gluttony! She made it right through the end with all her fingers.

Tidbit: Christmas just wouldn't be the same without nerf!

Foiled again

Well folks another loss in the attempt to catch the fat one! I thought I had the fool-proof Santa Snare this year but I was foiled again. Mrs. nozzle and I got pretty much everything we wanted and needed except skates I guess I will have to take up one of those gay sports like rugby. Here are the before and after pictures of our Christmas afternoon. And how Shayla spent Christmas eve with her family and 26 Megs of ram. Anyway folks off to word bird number 3 second of the day and maybe a few brown puppies.

Tidbit: no matter how many new pairs of boxershorts Santa brings they will never replace the old ripped ones!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

I hope all my friends and family have a good Christmas! I am off to work tonight then I will take 4 days off tomorrow. I have left my snack for Santa as you can see but I am pretty sure this will be his last stop. I have a fool proof "Santa Snare" in my basement by my woodstove. I will get that fat guy this year! I hope his bag is big enough for a 4-wheeler. But I will settle for a pair of skates.

Tidbit: I can't stress this enough, Hang on to your 40 oz'er in the liquor store parking lot.

Lashing out at machine revving tension

Ol' Mrs. nozzle and I went down to our local beverage store. I tell ya the Ol' NBL was a zoo. The parking lot was a literal circus of cars playing derby and the line inside went into the cooler. Overall though people are still pretty cheery. Can't believe the weather today it has to be like plus 5 outside. Boy I love global warming, in your face Al Gore and your inconvenient truths!

Tidbit: If you buy a 40 oz'er of absolute hang on to the damn thing in the parking lot "SHANNON FACE"

Hands down or maybe hands up

I would like to share my vote for athlete of the year. Cindy Klasson by far deserves this award. I can't even see how they put forward an argument?? Crosby, Weir, Nash not even in the same league. Good thing I have my Ol' pal Cherry on my side.

You can't despute the fact that the airline had to charge her extra on the way home to compensate for the extra weight of the pockets full of medals!

Tidbit: If life starts pitching you shitballs, you have to haul out a shit bat!

Word bird

Hello folks this is Turkey bird number 1. We went to our friends Eric and Amanda's house on thursday for the first roast beast of the season. We had a great meal and just a couple laughs. Maybe Santa will bring me what I asked for that night??

Tidbit: Dont eat yellow snow!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

In your face "all you can eat"

Here is the family attending a local "all you can eat" Chinese feast at China Coast on Main St. west. They have an emergency button the hostess pushes to alert the chefs that we have entered the building. They also call in security to escort us out after the fifth serving! Although I did not enjoy it so much later on that night as I rolled around in the hay for hours, it was a good time.

You know what really grinds my gears? When people who are merging off the highway onto the viaduct by the redrose tea building and come to a complete stop then try to cut into traffic
from a dead stop..... that folks really grinds my gears!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Stork delivery

This folks is my Aunt Tammy (Mrs. Moosegreen's lil sis) Anyway she is due with her third child in about 3 weeks. I think that he/she will be the first 25 pounder born into the family. Congratulations Mitch and Bradley. I bet your excited!

You know what really grinds my gears? People who wear socks and sandals or even worse flip flops and they jam the thong inbetween their toes with a sock that folks really grinds my gears!

Best party since birth!

Hey everyone. As anyone that was there clearly knows this was the best party since birth! Although there were a few key players (nuclear-wasted and family and the Green girls from Freddy Beach) missing we had fun nonetheless! What a spread of food! Everything from scallops wrapped in bacon to chocolate fondue. It was also a great surprise to get a phone call from the Toomeys from down under, so nice to hear their voices again. Even though Cole did not say much I know he was excited that he was listening and Luke I think I will leave the golfing to you when you come here I will be with the bar cart! AKA baaa caaaaaart. This is a group picture taken around 10:30 or so and that is Ol' Moosegreen talking to the Toomeys (he had to leave the room because he can only here one thing at a time.) And also my parents Charlie Brown X-mas Tree.

Tidbit: 2 reasons not to drink and drive: 1-you might spill the beer and 2-it makes the coke flat

Saturday, December 16, 2006

100th meridian

It is a very trying time in the ol' moosegreen household these days. My parents are shopping for a new puter! Not an easy task when ol' Mr. Moosegreen thinks a gigabyte is bump on your skin from a very large mosquito. And Mrs. Moosegreen thinks that firewire is something on a firetruck. Ram is not a truck, Scanner is not a grocery store tool, Monitor is not a sea creature, hard drive is not highway 7, mouse is not a mouse, burner is not an STD, keyboard is not a board with key hooks on it etc....... if you have any other questions just call the hot line!

Tidbit: If opportunity knocks, open the door!

Wheatkings and pretty things

Hey guys I had nothing to blog so far this week so I thought I would show you another live fire exercise we held as a demo. for the joint municipal and provincial emergency measures organization (thats fancy for a bunch of suits in a room) Anyway this was supposed to be a plane crash involving a school bus with mass casualty/victim. If you look close you might be able to see firefighters in the bus trying to extracate dummy victims. Just an update on Sarge he is doing 110% better, he is off the ventilator and sitting up now. Still awaiting surgery though. He must have had a few more stories to tell.

Tidbit: I think a delivery driver has more stress then an air traffic controller at
JFK. Everybody wants their Sh*& yesterday and it is always wrong. The next time you see a delivery driver give him a wink and a smile.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Fiddlers Green

I Forgot to mention that on the weekend my house was overrun with estrogen as our very good friend Stephanie spent Friday night in our spare room! I should not complain though because I only get to see her once in awhile! I would like to thank Moosehead for thinking of me. When I opened my flat of beer they had the thoughtfulness to give me a free pair of mittens yahoo! On a more sad note I would like get everyone to send out their thoughts and prayers for fellow firefighter Kevin "Sarge" Wilson who suffered a severe heart attack which resulted in cardiac arrest at the firehouse yesterday. Other crew members of engine 1 were able to quickly jump into action and apply the defibulator and regain a pulse. He was loaded in the ambulance and rushed to hospital where he remains in a coma but stable and awaits surgery. On a lighter note I would like to ask my buddy Jay to grow a waist and say no to crack!

You know what really grinds Shayla's gears? Radio stations that play the same damn songs over and over and over. that folks really grinds her gears!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A game for the books!

This was the scene of the teachers vs. spouses ball hockey game that Mme. Green's school hosted last week in the afternoon. Unfortunately the teachers were better prepared for the game and won. Personally I think it was sabotage, the teachers all had the right size sticks, while we had to use the ones that were for the kids. Also I think our goalie was paid off! Anyway needless to say the kids had fun watching.

Tidbit: Don't play pranks on the master prankster! Game on old wise one!

Monday, December 11, 2006

almost a sin

I was lucky enough to grow up with the worlds best hockey coach there was. My Dad. Anyway I had to listen to him preach wooden hockey sticks to me all my life, A few years ago I was the coach of a peewee team and what was I doing? Thats right: preaching wooden hockeys sticks. Well today I went out and broke my own rule and bought the lastest in one piece carbon fibre technology. So I guess I cannot call it a twig anymore maybe I should call it rebar.

You know what really grinds my gears? When people drive slow in the left lane and refuse to pull to the right when you are on their bumper. That folks really grinds my gears!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sea Dog fever

After we went tree hunting we all went out to the Seadogs game at Harbour station. Yes that is Patrick Roy behind the bench of the "ramparts". Was pretty neat to see him in real life not on TV or a sports card. After the game we all met back at the Green estate for more drinks then ended up at O'Leary's pub to see the Boys Next Door (the band that played at our wedding) Highlights of the night: -Beer -Jay fighting the kids to catch a t-shirt or stealing the 2 crackers and actually using them -Nacho dip -and of course the hockey. Yes folks that is a pink shirt and no the Seadogs did not win.

TidBit: Get drunk before you go to the rink because at 4.75$ a beer it gets a little pricey!

And then there were tree

Once again folks it was time for the annual Greener's tree hunt! On sat we all packed up and drove to Brown's Flat to the same tree farm we have been going to for years to find the ol' X-mas tree. The girls had a blast riding in the back of the truck while Eric and I sat in the front with heat. Of course the day would not be complete without a six pack of moose juice. Here are the pics of our tree from ground to living room. Eric and Amanda's tree came complete with a mouse. All in all we got 5 trees, Jay and Shannon, Eric and Amanda, My parents, and Eric's parents. Meg came along but did not get a tree.

Tidbit: Dont loan your new twig to Eric or you will get it back in 2 pieces!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Proud Eric

My Buddy Eric is pretty proud of the deal he found. I am not 100% sure of the deal but I think he said it was 12 Kiwis for 2 bucks. Anyway not that great a deal if you ask me. You know how I feel about hairy fruits!

You know what really grinds my gears? When The Subway guy, who makes minimum wage only gives you one napkin with your sub I mean what does he care, give me 2 or maybe even 3 for god sakes man! That folks really grinds my gears!

Farewell thee

I would like to advise everyone that juggling x-mas ornaments is not a good way to find out whether or not they are glass. This is a picture of one of the remaining ornaments. I feel really bad because our friends Eric and Amanda had us over for dinner and all I brought to the table was a couple of their busted ornaments.

Folks I have decided to put the tidbit section on hold to make room for my new section "what really grinds my gears"

-You know what really grinds my gears? People who tip the Tim Horton's girls but will hardly roll the window down to tell the gas guy to fill it up in the rain let alone give him extra money. That folks REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


-Wife beater: any white (sometimes colored) tank top undershirt that really greasy guys wear out in public. It is popular amoung guys who like to beat up on women.
-Twig: Those things we are holding when we play hockey A.K.A. stick, lumber, tape, shaft, pole, branch....., etc.
-As for curling just watch the reruns of the last winter olympics and you will see Canada clean up at the curling rink!

Sitting too close to the television will not make you go blind!