Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sneak peek

I have been given strict instructions not to post any wedding pictures until after the Saint John reception, so you will have to settle for this little sneak peek


NZ Toomeys said...


I'm going to Rotorua this weekend to run a marathon with my husband and I'M NOT TAKING MY COMPUTER WITH ME - HMPH!


aunt m will you be coming to see your fav nephew b4 then as you were surpose to come last nite.
chris you need a shave. hope you all got a nice little tan.

NZ Toomeys said...

Fave nephew....will call in tonight. Had a REALLY BIG drama yesterday.

Fave Aunty ;P

The Firszt Family said...

Looking forward to seeing the photos!!

BTW nozzle, we love all the comments you leave on our blog. Thumb suckers anonymous was one of our favourites.

nozzleguy said...

big Drama?? Did Mark find out about the gardener?