Monday, September 17, 2007


Well I decided to go out for a game of shinny at the grand bay rink tonight. I stuck my stick out for a poke check while a guy was taking a slap shot. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but 15 stiches later I found out it wasn't. Dont worry Mrs. Moose all my teeth are still there!


nuclearwasted said...

Geeze Nozz you know better than that, what you trying to do catch up to me for the scar trophy, it's not worth having man I learned the hard way what with a no feeling eyebrough, false teeth, crushed septum and lets not forget the 3800 DOLLARS I spent having my bridge reworked after I had all ready used up all my dental allotment for this lifetime.

NZ Toomeys said...

OH MY SOUL NOZZ!!! (I can just hear Lala now)

Meg said...


Amanda said...

Geese Louise!

Team e said...
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Team e said...

That'll make a nice 1st Aniversary picture, I'm sure Mrs. Nozzle is pleased

Anonymous said...

I remember that Sunday very well Nuc. Mom called me (again) and said "you better come to Greenhead Road and take a look at your brother" I called my Dentist and he called his brother-in-law (Danny Britt) and a few hours later one sorry assed hockey player was driven home by moi.And then there was this other time...

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you are able to don breathing apparatus at work? I hope you think about taking some time off.

Anonymous said...

At least the puck didn't strike a vital organ...