Monday, May 07, 2007


A couple new pads for some in the nozzle group. Both 27 megs of ram and the smoking barrels couple were in search of greener pastures and found it. I do not have a good picture of megs new place but that is it with the moving truck in front of it. And that is smoking barrels himself with Tara kitty in front of the new Daily digs. That is me marking my territory in their driveway on the way out. Congrats guys!


NZ Toomeys said...

Mark always likens 'kids that tag' to 'cats marking their territory' or leaving their scent.....

What......ya just couldn't wait....?!! I bet you don't see Michaela marking her territory when your out visiting new cribs!

Psssst..... I thought Greg's girl was called Natasha?....I'm a little behind the 8 ball I think.


Nice places to move into guys.

As for Nozzle's bladder problems, I take no credit.

Meg said...

Congrats to Tara and Matt! Your house is gorgeous! Cannot wait until the 20th!

Amanda said...

That is a great picture of Matt and Tara! Meg's place is also great!! They both really lucked out.

I am choosing not to comment on your peeing on their nice driveway. ;)


PS - have you ever peed on MY driveway?

nozzleguy said...

yes I have several times

Dude said...

Thanks everybody and thank you Greener for the addtional 'irrigation'. I was wondering what the Hell you were doing.

Mrs. Nozzle said...
