Wednesday, February 21, 2007

29 Bells

Happy Birthday Shannon-Face. Today is a good day for our friend Shannon. Since it was her birthday Jay-man-wonder was nice enough to do all the house work, fold the laundry, feed the dog and cook her supper. These are pictures of Shannon-face in order from June till today. I think as you can see she is aging gracefully! I hope I look that good when I am that old! She is not quite as old as dirt but she is almost as old as some legends.

P.S. I will let you figure out if all that stuff Jay-man did is true or not!

Based on how well you know him.


nozzleguy said...

I wonder what Murph is saying in the background of that last pic?

NZ Toomeys said...

Nice moves in that 3rd pic Nozz. Looks like you may have your Uncle Nucs dancing skills and whats with the Brokeback Hat? - Is it a Canadian thing - because I'm seeing it appear in lots of blogs.

Happy Birthday Shannon Face.

Meg said...

Happy Birthday Shannon! Can't wait to party this weekend :)




Sockit-Chick, I can't believe we didn't tell you the story about greggy in Cube. On the last day we had to carry him to the airport. Aparently he was in some girls room and Mom or Dad was coming so he jumped off the balcony and sprained both feet. I'm not kidding, under his feet were totally black and blue. We both had to help him to breakfast. As a matter of fact he didn't make it. We had to bring him back to the room and bring his meal to his room. I dunno

NZ Toomeys said...

Oh Jesus Mrs Moose!! are you for real? I am seriously pissing myself laughing! Go Greg you bad dog!!!! ROFPML!!! Ah Family - you never cease to amaze me. It just goes to show how many years we've missed out on. I love all of this - Life is good when you can sit in a hotel room in Japan and laugh your tits off by yourself. Hey I'm glad it was your kid and not one of mine.....I spose I have that all to look forward to....Note to self...don't take Luke and Cole on holiday to Cuba. hahahahahahaha - and I thought our Greggy was the quiet one in the family.....his actions speak louder than words in this case.

nozzleguy said...

now come on Moose nobody knows for sure what happened to ol' Sarducci. Could have been a crab in the ocean!

nozzleguy said...

Hey Nuclear can you give me a call. I do not know your schedule and get ahold of you. 657-7354


Nozzle-man is right. Greggy tried to tell us that a bunch of them were running towards the beach and he jumped of the top step onto the sand??? I'm pretty sure that the room and parents story is pretty close to what really happened, but only Greggy and associates will know the whole story. He has let a few things slip that led us to think this is what happened. You know what they say about the quite shy type!!!!