Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Turkey ball

Hello. January is a pretty boring blog month. Especially when we are avoiding all the parties and such due to the TTA. Here is our good friend Meg, she came over for supper tonight and is staying to watch American Idol "yahoo". Meg thought my potato ricer was groovy so I thought it would be nice to share the secret of my hidden potato ricing talent. I could not get the girls to stop laughing long enough to take a picture so this is the best one. Apparently Meg is pretty lucky, she was informed by an old friend (Jeremy) that she has no deformities or large bulges. So she is safe to wear a bikini down south.
You know what really grinds my gears? People who stop at a stop light in the middle of the lane so the cars turning right cannot get by. That folks really grinds my gears!



Hey I can't see any meat on anyone's plates??

nozzleguy said...

go get your glasses

Meg said...

Another yummy meal at the Green household! The turkey ball was quite yummy! Can't wait for haddock next Tuesday! Numnah...
Yeah, Jeremy always says all the right things! I think telling me I don't have any deformities was supposed to be a compliment.....


Hey nozzle, good luck in your new group 3!! I'll miss having coffee with you when Mooseman is working days.

nozzleguy said...

yeah group 3 was tired of burning shit down and had asked for a few good men so here I come!

nuclearwasted said...

You aren't referring to Ron Jeremy are you, what an exciting girl.

NZ Toomeys said...

I'll have coffee with you Mrs Moose - just call and I'll pop around.....I WISH!!!!! Sniff :(

Rice Potatoes - we just use a mahser - Boys and their gadgets aye!

Whats a Turkey Ball?

Is Mr Moose in Group 3 too?


Oh now don't get me all teary eyed Sockit-chick. Its just 8 months away and Tims here we come!!! A turkey ball is the breast part taken off the bone and pressed together to form a ball. It is pricey, but really god. Catherine's favorite thing to cook, when she got on in age. Yes Moose-man is in the same group.They won't work in the same station, well maybe once in awhile. The good thing is they will both be off for family parties.


Nuc-man, what's a Ron Jeremy?? I asked moose-man and he started laughing and said everybody knows who he is. I really don't, but I get the feeling I'm should or I'm going to.

nozzleguy said...

easy now keep in mind young eyes look at this blog

Amanda said...

How do I break this gently...Ron Jeremy is a huge "film" star. Do you catch my drift?



So, I was right in thinking I should get at least one look at the huge film star.


Just about time to get a new pic on here Nozzle. If you want some real good ones of you as a young lad, just let the Moose-chick know.

nozzleguy said...

well he is more like a tripod hedgehog

nuclearwasted said...

Oh ya Mrs. Moose everyone will fall for that one after you arranged to have the peeler " COME " TO YOUR HOUSE FOR YOUR SONS STAG. Hey Sarduci I can't wait until you're foolish enough to get hitched so we get to enjoy your mothers next fantasy.


OMG thats all I got to say

nuclearwasted said...

Does no one go to bed anymore or have they become like me, log on log off every 10 minutes hopeing for new coments, sick arses.