Friday, January 26, 2007


Well I just looked at Canadian Alpine and saw a picture of all the cousins alive at the time. For the sockit2me's and anyone else who does not know, I would be the oldest grandchild but I am trumped by one older. Alyssa got married last summer and I thought I would put a picture of what she looked like then and you can compare the 2 of us to the picture on Ol Mooses blog. The other picture is of the 3 drunks who almost got cut off at the bar in Montreal that day. (notice the pope hats)
Greener's riddlerama: From what heavy seven letter word can you take away two letters and have eight left?


NZ Toomeys said...


NZ Toomeys said...

oh, oh, oh oh - I have a pic of you and Alyssa when you were in nappies - I'm gonna hunt it down and put it on the blog - then we can discuss the changes over the past 25 years - should be a laugh!

NZ Toomeys said...

Not a good angle for Mr Moose & ol Nuc in this pic - they both make NOZZ look really trim - rofpml!!!

NZ Toomeys said...

Am I Correct? - Do I get a prize? - what is it, what is it, what is it?

nozzleguy said...

Yes weights is one answer out of 2 possible answers