Friday, January 12, 2007

Sumertime blues

Hey guys I just walked home from poker and it is a wee bit chilly out. That had me thinking about summer and how I wish it was summer year long. If I have one bit of advice though it would be dont pee into the wind. Nobody wins in that situation! As for who is water skiing, we know who it isn't "eh" Eric!

Greener's TTA tip: Cut Pita bread into triangles and sprinkle a little italion seasoning on them then bake till crispy and you have yourself home made chips!


nuclearwasted said...

Hey Nozzle may have to rename you PEETOES.

NZ Toomeys said...

Hey Peetoes - Any snow there yet?

Meg said...

I am with you all the way! Bring Summer back! Countdown to Dominican has begun (50 more days for you/ 52 more days for me)!!
You're quite the little Martha Stewart aren't ya?? Homemade chips?? Amanda, I think you've got some competition!

Amanda said...

LOL...yes, I see I have some competition...well, you see, I would have made the pitas from scratch outside on the marble stone, not just picked up a pre-made bag. I also would have grown my own herbs in my herb garden and dried them throughout the season so that I would have them on hand when I needed them.

So really, it is no competition. :)

Oh, and I'd serve them on a beautiful platter that didn't take away from their simplicity. (Maybe put out some small sampler dishes of homemade chipotle sour cream and fresh made salsa.


nuclearwasted said...

Never once heard mention chased down with copious quantities of pine and Eric if your name is going to be thrown out on the blog then lets hear a little more 67 SS Camaro chatter and and a little less pita and Martha talk, come on lads we men gave the ladies their week with the new baby now it's time to regain our birth right, move your chocolate arses over and let the guys back on the blog.

nuclearwasted said...

PSS; I suspect the previous article should garner a fitting response, LET THE GAMES RESUME. YEA YEA YEA

NZ Toomeys said...

Amanda is my new best friend...

How come nobody took us to Amanda's house for Dinner when we were there.

I have some really big expectations for our next trip....

and Sandy's daughter Mikaela would say ....WHATEVER!

Bring it on Cuzziebro!

nuclearwasted said...

Hey Merrie as the Nozz said be very very careful, have'nt had a cig now in two full weeks and got my arse kicked royally last night at the Texas poker game, lost my shirt and am really pissed about it, had to wear the losser hat. Thank god I enjoyed the Seadogs game and victory although I had to wonder the concourse have the game as my eldest Kate was cruising for boys I suspect, she won't dupe me again with the OH I WOULD REALLY LOVE TO GO TO THE GAME DAD CRAP, see if I were smoking I wouldn't bable as I would have something else to do. So Merrie, Merrie quite contrary "BRING IT ON".