Thursday, January 04, 2007

The sky was crisp and the seas were quiet that night. I had just gotten finished buying a round of coffee for the bunch. I mean it is the least I could do for living in their house for 24 years. We were enjoying our coffee when the ol' fella Mr. Moose said he needed to pull into shoppers. Apparently he had forgotten to pick up some brille cream in the grocery order that day. Unbeknownst to us the local police were running a stake out in the parking lot on a bunch of hoodlums. We parked right next to the "bait" car I could see they were up to no good. Mr Moose being the man he is pushed the panic button thinking I was in danger. The thugs took off running so I took chase. As they ran up Lansdown ave. I could see the vice squad trailing. They must have knocked an elderly lady over running so I stopped and helped her to her feet and made sure she was ok before I resumed chase. At this point Mr. Moose was back in the car applying the brile and talking to himself. The po po finally caught up to us for a swat style take down. All this had happened and not a drop was spilled out of my coffee. The next day the little old lady I had helped to her feet delivered me cookies. I looked her in the eye and said "the real hero is sitting right over there." "If not for his quick thinking in the shoppers store and turning on the panic alarm you may not be alive right now!" So we sat and enjoyed the cookies over a cup of joe and a group hug!
Tidbit: Dont ever tell and engineer to go piss in the corner of a round room. His head will explode.



Need I say more re the Green testosterone-showoff-exageration syndrome. I think Nozzle is he master and deserves an A plus!

NZ Toomeys said...

Oh Nozzle! you deserve a medal for honour and bravery - we so proud of you and so glad the truth (cough,cough) is out and you shared this version of the events on that day. WOW!

NZ Toomeys said...

Wow - that story was so great I'm going to print it and hand it in for my next FICTIONAL essay. Luke.

I reckon I might get at least a 'C-" for it

Dude said...

I'd say more, but my head is about to explode.

nuclearwasted said...

Who the heck is daley & nightly, welcome aboard I think as long as you enjoy the banter and Mark doesn't tag you as WANKERS.HA HA

Meg said...

I was so confused by this story that I had to go to the Toomey's blog to get the real story. Thanks for clearing things up moose-green! I knew nozzle's account must have been slightly far fetched since I hadn't heard anything at all about this daring take down.