Wednesday, January 31, 2007

scalpers wanted!

Hello everyone. I found out not that long ago that my favotrite singer/performer is playing at the Playhouse (Chantal Kreviazuk), and it was sold out by the time I tried to get tickets. If anyones knows of a couple stray tickets anywhere let me know. Chantal played here back in 2003. I took these pictures from my front row seat where she smiled and winked at me the whole time!
The nozzle question: What is put on a table and cut but never eaten?


NZ Toomeys said...

a deck of cards.

What kind of music does Shatal play?

nozzleguy said...

Cards is right. Check out her website it gives you samples.


I love her singing too. Moose-man and I also went to see her, and Moose-man said she was winking at him. Who was she winking at??

nozzleguy said...

she was winking at me. She was switching her eyes to wide angle for the moose!

Dude said...

ahhh, beat me too it.

Meg said...

Way to go Toomeys! You can't win 'em all Daley and Nightly!
That was a great concert! I'd love to see her again!