Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Rub adub dub, have fun in the tub

Well our downstairs bathroom is starting to to take shape. Ol' Moosegreen would be proud because yes folks that is a level, T-square and measuring tape in the background. You could come over and calibrate a plumb bob with any piece of wood in there. We are still undecided whether we want to skirt the tub in with tile or pine.
Greener's riddlerama: What floats and sinks, is hot or cold and can be fun or dangerous?


NZ Toomeys said...

Dude, go with tiles - we have wood (red pine - rimu) in our bathroom and its been a big pain in our arse - so much so that we are about to rip all the wood out and tile instead. It really hard to get a good waterproof seal.

Amanda said...

I agree...tile would be really nice.

Anonymous said...

What the hell do ya need a level, tee square and a measuring tape when yur having sex in the tub? Do you know something I don't?

nuclearwasted said...

You'd better know something about level if you're going to be " UP " to that business in the tub or you'll be dealing with very wet