Friday, January 12, 2007

Right at home

This was the scene at Chuck Hickey's 50th birthday party where I tended the bar. Mrs. Moosegreen came behind the bar for a quick photo op. It was a pretty busy bar. With all the beer on the house the empties piled up fast. Chuck is the president of I.A.F.F. Local 771. Needless to say he knows alot of people in and out of the fire profession.

Tidbit: Countdown is on till superbowl Sunday. Any ideas who it will be?



Yea I have to say it was quite a party, and the bartender was to die for. Oh did I mention he hasn't had a drop of wobblies since New Year. Yea yea yea
If you check Moosegreen's blog you"ll see it really doesn't matter that Nozzle is stone sobber to pose for some pics. Now the Mooseman has to be liquidated to get into these pics.

nuclearwasted said...

Either have I but at least I'm trying to quit smoking and Sarduchie has been legitimately sidelined [hospitalized] tmporarilly Nozz, so give me a good reason please, I don't think I could bare to suggest that you of all people are sinching the panties up a little to high. Perhaps it's to fit into that "Quebec" styled bathing suit [SPEEDO] while away in the Dominican.

nuclearwasted said...

PS. Yes this is a fact I have not had a drink or a smoke since new years, tonight I drank reluctantly at first for fear of starting smoking again but I found my old form [ 12-16 Pines in 4 hrs. ] let me tell you though I would eat the arse out of a skunk right now for a smoke after ten games of billiards and a dozen or so wobbly pines, but I'm holding good to my promise to my familly that I'll give them up once and for all. Shit getting old sucks.

nozzleguy said...

Don't worry nuclear Eric will have his day. As for what happened that day watersking. We'll have to wait and see.


Oh my God Nuc, are you bull shitting or have you really gone this long without nicotine???? I hope you are not. Good luck. Just think no more standing in the cold or rain or croaking your lungs out or missing something at a party because you had to step out for a smoke. Honestly I really feel for ya, as you know I went through it. Tough but it does get easier, I no lie!!!


ps; You should really stay away from drinking establishments where there is always someone with a spare smoke. You know I'm right??

NZ Toomeys said...

The bartender is a little hairier than I remember. Is there a no Smoking, no drinking, hair growing new year resolution going on?

Count me in - I'll stop mearing chocolate on my arse and thighs too then. Do we get a prize?

The chick behind the bar is kinda cute - whats her name?

nozzleguy said...

Yeah I have a couple weeks off so I thought I would go without a shave. I am aiming to loose 17lbs by March and I am well on my way!