Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Brokeback steve

I have to say folks I have seen the recent blog by ol' moosegreen. I dont know how they did it but here is the pic before they edited it! Nice work did you really think the truth would not come out? I think the bible reads Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!
tidbit: There is a small bag on the rescue about the size of a couch pillow that blows up like a balloon and can lift upwards of 26 tons.


NZ Toomeys said...

Sing it everyone ...

Y.M.C.A. its fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A....

nuclearwasted said...

Nozzle obviously you have inhaled way too much smoke, first you cut off the hand that fed you and will baby sit for you and now you have questioned the manhood of the BOAT owner, GASP where did I go wrong, perhaps the high level Alpine training initially was just too intense, may have to step you back to Alpine light or egads near beer, no never I'll call Dr. Kavorkion first before I'll desicrate the familly honour with that.

nozzleguy said...

Hey this picture is just pay back for the "shoppers incident".


Oh the moose-man wasn't in a very good mood when he looked this up. Yea he looses it every once in awhile. he he Especially when a Hyundai looses its gas tank in the middle of reversing falls bridge and he has to go get it. But all is well, he says uncle michael would be proud.
I hate to tell you Nozzle, the Shoppers Drug Mart incident was way better than this. Ha Ha Ha!!!
Nuclear, check out my blog, Nozzle showed me how to post pics on my own. Watch me go now!

NZ Toomeys said...

Oh, oh Nozsle - If I were you or anyone else checking this blog I definately would not - I mean absolutely would never ever go and visit Moose-greens blog at :-


How embarrasing!