Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Just wanted to give an update on the lives of the 2 love birds. Logan-Buddy and Macey-Face. Logan came over for a visit and unfortunately there is not to much for a 1 year old to play with here. So he decided to put a load of dishes in for us. As for Macey-Face she was just as content laying back and catching up on all the gossip.

Tidbit: Where exactly do garbage bag trees grow??


Meg said...

I think someone is getting the "baby itch".......
What a coupla cutie patooties!

nozzleguy said...

yeah right. I am not allowed to breed. Until I get that court order lifted anyway.

NZ Toomeys said...

Good idea -I think I'll send you a baby name book as well as a dictionary before the breeding begins. I'm still not coping with the Shanequa Chebazz senario.

Lots of baby blogging - a little cluckyness perhaps?

Amanda said...

Oooh...only three months into the marriage and the nudging into parenthood begins. Wait until you have been married a year like us and see how much worse it gets! Everytime I pass on a glass of wine the speculation begins that I am preggers!
