Sunday, July 05, 2009


Well I spent the first 3 days of my vacation on the laid back west end of Prince Edward Island. We went with the Olsens and stayed at Jay-man's family cottage over looking the salty water of Mill river. While we were there Jay-man and I were lucky enough to be able to catch a round of golf at the famous Mill River golf Resort where this past season of "The Big Break" was filmed. Nicest course I have ever been on!


nozzleguy said...

Sorry in the picture with us is Jay-man's uncle Wayne who who some people and was able to get us a tee time


holidays again, when do you work? everytime we look on your blog your off on hols. I havent had a holiday since we got kids, no horse.


Looks like a nice place. Hope u got my text?? What did the girls do...go horse-back riding?
AMOSQUITO, you are right. It seems like Firefighters are always on vaca. One thing I KNOW for sure...everyone deserves a vacation/holiday!! SO SMARTEN UP AND GET TAKIN ONE!!!!
Glad your back Nozzles.

nozzleguy said...

To bad Luke was not with us he would have like that course