Tuesday, February 03, 2009

white gold (yeah right)

Well here are a couple pictures we took out of our back window. Oh yeah the steelers did it yet again. A new record 6 superbowl wins. I went to Mikes where a few of us gathered to watch the big game and to reintroduce the nozzle to beer! I made the month of Jan with no booze and a proper diet and exercise program. All in all I lost 16lbs. since Jan 1 2009.


The Firszt Family said...

Congrats on the weight loss! You are way too young for a beer belly.
You guys are really covered in snow this year. Durham got a couple of inches two weeks ago, and businesses and schools shut down for 2 days.

Unknown said...

I wish it was snowing here right now, that would mean no school !! Come on mother nature, i think thats a great idea :)


We have shown ur blog pic to Sandy etc, they are amazed at the snow. The old fellow and I went on a two hour horse ride today, Fri.,..it was an adventure. It was all up hill with trees, water and rocks. Broke-back here we come. Yee Haw!!!We are going away to another police house tomorrow, sat., ur Fri. up north on a beach untill Mon. ur Sun. talk to u soon!! Luv u Lots...Mom

nuclearwasted said...

Bessy riding a Bessy now that would be interesting to see.


chris we would just like to thank you so much for the moose-balls. And yeah its really really hot here, and mum is missing you all heaps. (also they enjoyed the horse trek just hope they can still walk today.)

Unknown said...

And Loola would like ta thank you SOO much for the "Moose Light" clothes! T-shirt, sweat band AND hat, i've got all the gears now! I'll blog a photo of me in it all asap! Loola :)

nozzleguy said...

yea they know me down there at Moosehead. Not sure why??