Sunday, November 16, 2008


Why do hockey pucks have to be so hard? There's another 7 threads to add the quilt!


Amanda said...

The things you boys do for fun...

Meg said...

You're gonna look cute in the morning!! :(

Meg said...

Stop following me Amanda! ;)

The Firszt Family said...

Where was the facemask on your helmet? You'll look like Doug Gilmore in no time unless you protect your baby face.

nuclearwasted said...

Or his uncle

Team e said...

I'm having a deja vu. I'm sure if I search the older posts there's at least one other puck vs. face photo. I'm with the Firszt Family, invest in a face mask or you'll start to look, and talk, like Tiger. Williams, not Woods.

Longwood said...

At least it didn't hit a vital organ!

nozzleguy said...

yeah last one was my chin and before that was my other eyebrow then if we go way back I did this same eybrow but on the nose end. Then there was the my whole "leg" ordeal which I wont get into excpet I will say that it involved a 12" turkey knife and a bottle of crown.

NZ Toomeys said...

Oh Darn!!!!! said Merrie

Good one....said Luke

Typical...said Mark

Oh Poor Christpoher, he won't be able to go to the fire engines tomorrow....said Cole (verbatim)

nozzleguy said...

Yes tomorrow I have a promotion ceremony to go to and get my picture taken.

Amanda said...

I had almost forgotten about the turkey knife / leg incident. I secretly always felt responsible because I asked you to bring the knife. Although, I never dreamed that you would end up stabbing yourself with it!


during or after the game...
Adam play roller hockey over here and he is always going for a fly into the wall.