Thursday, July 24, 2008


I wonder what we are all looking at? Oh yea it is Jayman-wonder mowing his lawn. Jay was over up on the nozzle perch for a BBQ and drinks when he just got the erge to leave and do some work. Way to go! Keep up the hard work!


NZ Toomeys said...

Is it me ...or is that unusual behaviour??? To be at a BBQ and suddenly decide to go mow some lawns. Hmmmmmm.

As for the Dominican Republic Invite...Very very very tempting. I have some Long service leave that I have to use and we've never been to the Dominican.......Ducko is such a push over when it comes to convincing him to sit in the sun and drink lots of beer....I'm totally working on it Nozz.

nozzleguy said...

it is for our good friend 28 rams of meg's wedding. The moose folk are going.

NZ Toomeys said...

OMG - I better cleanse my liver in preparation then.

Thanks for inviting me to Megs wedding Nozz. Did you mention that to her & Mike yet? They'll think we're gate crashers.

Ah well - too bad - just told Ducko and looks like we're coming anyway.

Longwood said...

Calling all Green families! Longwoody and Longwoodette are hosting a barbecue on Wednesday, July 30 at 6:30 p.m. Team E is in town so come on out to Grand Bay for a visit. We're back from Calgary on Monday night, call and let us know if you can come.

Don't forget your swim suits!

NZ Toomeys said...

I'll bring th potato salad ;)

nozzleguy said...

Hey longwood can you get me a stat day? lol