Sunday, December 02, 2007


Last night we enjoyed a seadogs game from an upper class vip box. Moosehead gave us their box for last nights game which came with beer and food. It was fun looking down on all the peasants in the cheap seats (which were every other seat in the house). That was our beer fridge which the girl had to keep refilling every 30 mins or so. They also had a teddy bear drive last night for X-mas. The first dogs goal people were instructed to through a new stuffed animal on the ice, it was mayhem! Dogs won 4-2 against the second best team in Canada Halifax Mooseheads.


NZ Toomeys said...

How come we had to sit in the cheap seats?

You've created one hell of an expectation now time we watch the seadogs We'll expect nothing less!


We sure felt bad we couldn't sshow up. We were stateside "again" with the Fournacators and only got home at 7;30. Looks like everyone had a blast. Moose-man was just to tired and rushed. SORRY Nozzle-man. Hopw u still LOVE us???

NZ Toomeys said...

Hey Nozz, do you think if Nuc and I sponsor a decent size beer fridge we'd get a season pass - no wonder the poor girl had to refill it every half hour!

Just toally jealous - Ducko

Go the Dogs!!