Thursday, December 27, 2007


Well since I have been super busy and working over Christmas, I have not been able to blog much so here is a quick one to hold you over. The first picture is of O'Leary's on Friday night and as you can see, Trent came home and we may have tied one on. The Nozzle inlaws joined us for supper at Mexi's and then came out afterwards. The Boys Next Store were playing. The other picture is on Sat. night just before we walked next door to the annual Olsen Christmas-cometh.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Well a couple weekends ago Mrs Nozzle and I attended a musical at the imperial which featured nun other then Lil' Whispy herself. She played a nun in the sound of music. Usually she is featured in more of a lead role but she decided to give someone else a turn this time around. Way to go. Everything went well excpet for the fact that Mrs Nozzle and I had to sit away from everyone else and I got stuck next to the "stinky kid". Turned out well though because they were sitting in the wrong seats and got moved before the show started.

One lost soldier

Good thing we live by the code "No one gets left behind" or this little guy would never have been able to bring joy and happiness to someone!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Where is my driveway?? Hymm oh there it is.


I think frosty had a few to many beer freezies! This is a snowman that Whispy made on her front lawn. I think the heavey wet snow made him tip a bit!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

Well this past saturday was our annual Christmas tree hunt. We all drove up to the tree farm and them everyone climbed in the back of Deloris and we drove up into the woods and searched out the perfect tree. We ended up chopping 3 trees down, ours, Eric and Amandas and Jay and Shannons. Of course ours is the best. I am not sure how the beer ended up there, someone must have stashed some in the truck. It was so cold that the beer froze in the bottle before we could drink it. Good thing we figured out how to keep it warm enough to drink.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday, December 07, 2007


Well Trent has decided to come home for a visit on the 17th. I am sure a night out or 2 is in order. We will have to get the ol' gang back together. We used to be famous around these parts but since he left there has been descension amongst the ranks. The gargoyle is is thirsty my friend come and give him a drink!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Diggen out

Well I had to work last night in for the first real storm of the season.

Now I have to go outside and plow my drivway.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Last night we enjoyed a seadogs game from an upper class vip box. Moosehead gave us their box for last nights game which came with beer and food. It was fun looking down on all the peasants in the cheap seats (which were every other seat in the house). That was our beer fridge which the girl had to keep refilling every 30 mins or so. They also had a teddy bear drive last night for X-mas. The first dogs goal people were instructed to through a new stuffed animal on the ice, it was mayhem! Dogs won 4-2 against the second best team in Canada Halifax Mooseheads.