Sunday, July 29, 2007

In squad we trust

Yesterday at 1800 hours the alert tone rang throughout all the fire stations to dispatch the final stand down for the now retired Captain Brian "Bogie" MacDonald. Bogie has worked almost 40 years and most of them he spent on the rescue. Bogie was and always will be the squad father.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

nice day

Just a couple random pics from a day we had last Friday. First it started with the news people showing up. I have to start taking apointments now, and check out how green that grass is. Then 27 megs of ram and that son of a milf Mike along with Eric came over for a BBQ in the Nozzle perch then we all ended up in the garage for some brew. As you can see, we all drink beer down here, even the little ones!

wheeler time

Well here are a couple of pictures of us departing on our 3 day 4 wheeler adventure. This was us leaving our street and we are heading to Fosterville (about a 3 hour drive by car). We wanted to see if we could get from my driveway to Corey the corduroy kid's driveway in fosterville. Anyway we made it with no major misshaps and only got lost twice. We put over 300 km on the bikes which is alot when you are driving trails. As you can see Baby Logan is trying to line us all up for a picture.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Fishermans paradise

Well the annual Omer Guimond Firefighters fishing derby was this week and what a time we had. Even the weather was on our side. Here are a couple of pictures the first one is of retired Capt. John "Hook" Nesbit with the winning lunkers for the day the next is of my fishing partner Shane in between Dale "Scrappy" Clinton and Capt. Brian "bogie" Macdonald with Brian "quigly" Quig in the back ground. The last 2 are of me and Big Moe playing washers and of course the group picture of who was left at the end of the second day. We had about 1/2 dozen guys not make it to the end of the second day.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

These are some more pictures of the cottage we stayed at. That is a fire we had the first night which was alot of fun. From left to right Cami-flage, whispy head, the nozzle, hope-well rocks, capt. marvel and cam-kick. The other picture is of what happens when you taunted the wharf when the nozzle is holding the rope.

Fishermans log: Mrs Nozzle and I went down to a cabin that her family had rented in Maine for the week. We spent 2 nights. I brought all my fishing gear but did not get to fish too much once all the girls found out how much fun fishing is. The first morning I got up early and went fishing for about an hour and did not get so much as a nibble, Camille the youngest of all the girls there came out and asked if I could show her how it worked. I kid you not, on her second cast she reeled in a small mouth bass. Maybe American fish do not like me? That is the kids having fun in the tube behind the boat. And just FYI that picture of me was taken around 8:30 am and that is a beer can you see.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Strong and Free

Well this is what the girls were up to on Canada day weekend. They all packed up and drove to Halifax for a big outdoor concert featuring the likes of Hedley, Daughtry and Nickleback. They had a great time. I on the other hand spent the weekend crying in my beer by myself. I think it I would have had a great time as well if I had been invited. Maybe next year Mrs Nozzle will include me.

Caesar anyone?

This was a first for me. I drank the bar dry of caesar mix. I went for one and the bartender told me that I had drank her dry of mix. Anyway that is the Boys Next Door playing at Olearys Pub where Mrs Nozzle and I frequent. The other picture is Mrs Nozzle, myself and of course the infamous caesar (they give you a celery stick for nourishment).

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Youg Drivers?

Here is Whispy head getting customized 4-wheeler lessons.

Camp time

Hey guys. Sorry for not updateing in awhile. These pics are from last weekend when a few of us decided to go spend the night at the Kingston Moose Office. When we got there the Moose people were there with Team E and they stayed and hung out for an hour or so. We had a great time with the "top loader". And I am pretty sure Terri showed us all up!