Sunday, June 10, 2007

Deluxe shmiluxe

Eat your heart out Bob's. Best homemade driveway fries this side of the Green Bay parking lot before a game. There is something about sitting on a tail gate that just screams beer and something deep fried. Hey sockits do you guys tail gate at all down under? When you guys come up this year maybe we can take you for a little ridge run and finish it off with a good tailgater! Apparently the animal shortening was not bad enough Jay-Man thought he had to add half the salt shaker as well.


NZ Toomeys said...

Now that I have finally figured out what tailgating is (we call it a car boot party)...yes we do do this, but only once a year before Marks Annual Police the carpark of the Highgate Hotel, after the Annual Champagne breakfast at our house, and before the Comedians start their show at the hotel.

Remember though, we are allowed to consume alcohol inside our vehicles too (except the driver) and have opened recepticles inside - unlike Canadian law - so the party starts in the car travelling to the venue!

Anonymous said...

One of the items on my things-to-do list before I die is to see one of those 1 Kilo scallops that will fill a coffee would probably need a truck with a tail gate to transport it home ha ha ha...