Wednesday, May 30, 2007



Sunday, May 27, 2007

Mexican stand off

Well what can I say. When you crack open some new squirt guns somebody is going to bust a cap! My little squirt gun was no match for the olsonator. I just could not get the psi I need so I went for the bucket!

Friday, May 25, 2007


Age- 1 year

Sex- Female

seeking- Female or Male

Make- GMC

Model- Canyon / Modified

Hello my name is Deloris and I am lonely. I am looking for a mate. I have perfect hygiene but poor mileage. I am looking for a partner that is relatively smaller than me with the same hygiene but significantly better mileage. Colour is not a big deal but I am partial to blue. I plan on heating things up so I hope you are air conditioned. Although I can drive stick, I think I would rather have you automatic. you must be good with kids (you will around them all day long through the week). if you fit this description or know someone that does please contact my owner.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Who is Mr. Green?

Normally I would not want a letter from Ottawa adressed to Mr. Green but today I will make an exception.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Growth update

Well folks I though I would give you another growth update on some wee ones that seem to have lengthened out a bit. Here is team estrogen in full force Wiggy, Soapy and of course Abby. These pictures were taken in the rant box last night at a party for Natalie and Rod.

P.S. John, anytime you need extra security at a sens game let me know I will pay my own travel

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Labor vs. Management

This is a picture of the crew that seen the greener residence till closing. We all started a quite interesting conversation/debate/argument/agree to disagree about the union movement around midnight. Nonetheless anytime spent with your friends is a good time. For those of you who dont know, beside me is Scott the doofus and his wife Shelly Milferson then of course jay-man wonder and shannon face and last but not least Mrs. Nozzle. Mrs. Moose was here earlier in the night for coffee and cake.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Birthday notice

Happy belated birthday to Mrs. Nozzle. Her birthday was really on wed. but since I had to work we are having cake here tonight instead. I wanted to have deep fried chicken wings but since it is her birthday I had to go with ice cream cake.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Drunk grad party

Let it be known that this certificate was the very first of it's kind given out. Our class was the first given and I was the first to recieve the certificate today. They did not give us our marks but I can only assume it was 98% or higher, lol. Hey Moose you ever want to borrow this just let me know I am sure it would fit nicely over top of your outdated one.
Tidbit: go Sens go!

Monday, May 07, 2007


A couple new pads for some in the nozzle group. Both 27 megs of ram and the smoking barrels couple were in search of greener pastures and found it. I do not have a good picture of megs new place but that is it with the moving truck in front of it. And that is smoking barrels himself with Tara kitty in front of the new Daily digs. That is me marking my territory in their driveway on the way out. Congrats guys!


I'll have the million dollar fish and chips please! I tell ya this crowd got a little rowdy at Grannans on sat night. The family next to us with the Disney shirts on were not impresed! All in good fun though. After we finished a few drinks at the nozzle residence we headed to Oleary's for more drinks and music. That is another one of my nutty friends Mike who came out with us. For those of you who recognize people from the wedding might not know Mike. Mike's invitation got scrapped due to some social complications. And just FYI his mom's hot!

One flew over the cookoo's nest

Trent was home from Calgary for a couple of days. His visit would not be complete without a night in Porter. We had a blast. we went out for dinner with the moose folk for sarduchi's birthday then we ended up back at our place which eventually brought us to Oleary's. Nice to see ya Ol' buddy!

All aboard

This is what happens on any given Sunday down here at the Nozzle estate. Apperently washing the wheeler means free rides, who knew? Nice and single file though I must give them that. I shouldn't complain I had as much fun as they did.
Tidbit: I am still sticking to my Ol' Ottawa guns.

Friday, May 04, 2007

King of the Q

Bring on the BBQ. Well the weather has finally broken and started to get a little bit warmer. We were able to have our first joint BBQ with those neighbors from the rich end of our street. Anyway we had bbq patatoes, steak, ham steak and burgers.