Saturday, March 17, 2007

Page 6

Well everyone I am going to go ahead and skip Wednesday. I do not know what really went on during the day, as I was out Blue Marlin fishing about 18 miles off shore. I will take you to Thursday. This was a big day for us: we were up and gone by 9 am. We all went on a Jeep Safari tour. These are some of the pictures we took during the day. The tour took us to a typical home in the jungle which you can see Scott (what a dufess) standing in the middle of the living room. Our tour guide is standing in front of the kitchen. From there we visited a coffee and chocolat plantation. Apparently the 2 trees grow together. They showed us how they made the 2 and then let us sample them right there off the tree. That is me holding the 2 sample cups: one with pure coffee and the other with pure chocolat. The little girl is standing in front of a typical Dominican elemantary school. And no that is not open liquor in the back of that truck while we were driving, Mom. The last picture is of Shannon holding her 7-up. She has not made blog fame yet so I thought I would give her a shot.


nozzleguy said...

notice the mooslight again. It just keeps popping up everywhere???????????? Maybe it was the "club golden"

nozzleguy said...

Oh and by the way I was just informed that only some of the liquid inside the 7-up bottle was actually 7-up AKA "Dominican Champagne" (7-up + Rum = happy Shannon)


Nozzle, I think you are fibbing about the open liquor. Are you sure that is not open????
Oh and is that a salt and pepper beard I see??? Or are my eyes decieving me about that too????

nozzleguy said...

It's from the sun

NZ Toomeys said...

Yeah, the sun makes my hair go salt & pepper too Nozzle - so when I go to tha hairdresser, she's not actually putting colour on it to cover the grey roots - she's actually applying sunscreen, to protect my hair from getting sunbleached - Good one NOZZ!!! (almost as good as the scallops story and how they are SO BIG they can fill a coffee cup)

NZ Toomeys said...

I'm confused - Do you have two chick-mates called Shannon? Blue hat/7-up Shannon and pink singlet Shannon (the one that you call Shannon-face, that just had a birthday)

nozzleguy said...

Yeah I have 2 chicklets names shannon. Shannon-face live next door to us. And the big scallop is true I will true and get you one when you come.

Meg said...

Shannon wanted me to tell you that is very honoured to have made blog fame.