Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Spaghetti chips

Well I must say Ol' Jay-man wonder out did himself last night. He invited us over for a spaghetti feed and I must say it was fantastic! And Shannon your salad was great as well lol hahaha. Anyway the other pic is of me losing my head this morning during junk-be gone phase 2. As I tried to grab the case of my poker chips the top opened and spewed them all over the entire basement. Needless to say mrs. Nozzle thought that was pretty funny, that feeling was not mutual!

Tidbit: The field mouse is fast..... but the owl can see at night!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

3 More days!!!!!!!!!!!

Well everyone I have been a little slow posting this week. Everyone here had a pretty fun weekend. Sat. night the girls all got together at Shannon-face's house. Jay-man, Corduroy Corey and myself all went out on the 4-wheelers for a midnight run. we ended up all at the same club after midnight though. We are all getting pretty excited here for the trip I have even heard that Tab head is already packed?? As you can see I lost custody of the camera until we hooked up later at the club. Anyway until next time Good night and good luck.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

29 Bells

Happy Birthday Shannon-Face. Today is a good day for our friend Shannon. Since it was her birthday Jay-man-wonder was nice enough to do all the house work, fold the laundry, feed the dog and cook her supper. These are pictures of Shannon-face in order from June till today. I think as you can see she is aging gracefully! I hope I look that good when I am that old! She is not quite as old as dirt but she is almost as old as some legends.

P.S. I will let you figure out if all that stuff Jay-man did is true or not!

Based on how well you know him.


Well it is official now. Last night Mrs Nozzle went to our travel agent and picked up our tickets. No backing out now, although why would you want to? I just wanted to rub it in to all of you who could not come. I would also like to warn the people of the Dominican Republic that there are 19 crazy Canadians flying down in 10 days LOOK OUT!
The Nozzle Dilemma: Presidente or Moose light?

Monday, February 19, 2007

plow out

Well folks today we got yet another medium size dump of snow. And what better way to clear it from the driveway! These are pictures that Mrs. Nozzle took through the window as I plowed the driveway with the Wheeler (yet to be named). I even had some help from "mini navigators" That is Matthew and "Kay-Win" from next door. Anyway I keep telling myself spring is coming I hope I am right!

Nzzle attraction/pick-up line: My love for you is like diarrhea. I can't hold it in!

wheeler vs. sled

Well we had a pretty good Sunday here. We woke up less then a tad hungover and met up with some members of the fox family young and old for a little trip in the woods. We stopped for a fire and a beer before he had to head back! When we got back it was the kids turn to drive in the field where we unloaded the bikes. The other picture is the hockey game we went to beforehand. That is Ryan Fox in net. He played a big role in the team's victory!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Older than dirt

We had the fox clan and a few friends over at Daddy Nozzle' in law's house last night to celebrate a birthday. Apparently "Dooser" aka Bob Barker is older than dirt, or so his pin said. That is him in the picture trying to explain a gift that someone had gotten him which was a cane. Everbody seems to think that he was around when jesus was a cowboy but I think he is that old. The other picture is Capt. marvel and his good friend Pete trying to find just the right song to play, maybe Joni or van morrison or lightfoot geeze make up your mind!

Greeners riddlerama: when asked what he does all day a man said "I sit and make faces all day" what does he really mean?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

One Day left

Well today we did a practical exercise at the R.S.T. warehouse. It was really nice to finally get out of the class room (the 10 hour classroom lectures were getting to me) Anyway here are a couple of pics of what went on. Those are what we call Level "A" suits (full enclosed with SCBA on the inside) And the guys on the "Decon" line are wearing level "B" suits. That is me in the middle yellow suit waiting for our assignment. On another note Mrs. Moosegreen stopped in today and dropped off some lemon treats for me and Mrs Nozzle. (Although not so sure she got any)

You know what really grinds my gears? When the waitress or waiter takes your order smacking gum Geeze that really grinds my gears!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Grade 1

Hello evryone for those of you who do not know I was shifted to day work last week for the purpose of taking a Hazardous Materials Technician course. This picture is not one of my happier pictures! I am trying to retain all the information but it seems to be slipping out everywhere. I mean Who knew that the decontamination corridor is suppose to be 5 m back from twice background when dealing with a radioactive haz mat like cobalt 60.

Hydrant haha: What do a walrus and tupperware have in common?

Sunday, February 11, 2007

10 Pin Bowlarama

Well since the winter seems to be dragging on, we decided to get out and do some bowling. I tell ya, mix lots of beer and a bunch of girls handling big balls and you get a good time! Everbody had a blast as you can see from the picture of the cab ride home. Even Nozzle Jr. knocked a few pins around!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Upstairs, Downstairs

Well, while all the boys were downstairs playing the weekly hold em' game lil Shannon-Face and Mrs. Nozzle were upstairs watching Survivor Fiji. It just so happens that after my 20 dollar buy in I walked away with 97 smackers. That extends my 4 week winning streak to 5. Mrs. Nozzle and I are in a survivor pool and my 4 people areEdgardo, Mookie, Stacy and Earl. The more they win and the longer they last the more I win!

Greener's riddlerama: I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody. What am I?

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Sorry for not blogging in a while folks. Well I guess I was able to straighten things out in group 3, and since I left, group 2 has been in shambles so they asked if I would go back. I am on day work now until the 18th (Haz. Mat. Technician course). Anyway here is a pic of the girls "scrap-book" night which turned into a Punta Cana fashion show starring Tab-head, Shannon-face and Shelly milferson. The other picture is Mrs Nozzle doing her home work with a little King of Queens on in the background.

Daily tidbit: Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference!

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Well even though I had to work last night and missed out on all the fun I figured I would blog anyway. Mrs. Nozzle helped moved a couple last minute things into lens cap's new apartment. One would only assume that Ol' Capt. Marvel (daddy nozzle inlaw) bought pizza for everyone. Also in that pic is lens cap's girlfriend Phaty Ashley and Mrs. Rossy Marvel. The other pic is where Mrs Nozzle ended up afterwards. She went to a girl get together with her friend Shannon face (that is just colered water in those shot glasses) Last but not least we have a pic of Mrs.Rossy Marvel with her sister Sonia bicuspid. Soney was feeling a little left out after visiting the lil' whispy-head blog and not seeing the italian conection. I am sure that Lil whispy head did not put her on for fear of the hit. (something to do with the sopranos, massachusetts swank and the witness protection plan)

Updated nozzle prediction: Colts by 16

Saturday, February 03, 2007

34 days without a drop of liqour and boy does it feel good. I must say though, that much time without it plyed a large part in me getting such a good snag on last night. Mrs. Nozzle went to a birthday celebration for her friend Kelly. Birthday girl is second from the left with Melanie to her left and Kathy to her right and of course you all recognize lil 26 rams. The other picture is when I met up with the girls with a couple hockey buddies at O'Leary's after my hockey game. I successfully finished the 12 steps program and now I am on the 13th step "reintroduction". I have one month to toughen up my liver for Punta Cana.

Greener's prediction: Colts by 12