Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Junk be-gone

Mrs. Nozzle's Little brother "lens-cap" moved into his new apartment tonight. I love it when people with nothing move into a new place. I get to unload all my junk. This is a picture of a couch that we have tried to get rid of a couple of times. Once, we thought it was gone and it actually came back from over 150 km away. The other picture is the view of the uptown core from Eric's balcony of his heritage building apartment. Thanks Mr. Moose and Corey the "corduroy kid" from Fosterville for helping me get it out of my basement. And to Mrs. nozzle for supporting my spine through the whole ordeal.

Nozzle's question: What word looks the same upside down and backwards?

scalpers wanted!

Hello everyone. I found out not that long ago that my favotrite singer/performer is playing at the Playhouse (Chantal Kreviazuk), and it was sold out by the time I tried to get tickets. If anyones knows of a couple stray tickets anywhere let me know. Chantal played here back in 2003. I took these pictures from my front row seat where she smiled and winked at me the whole time!
The nozzle question: What is put on a table and cut but never eaten?

Monday, January 29, 2007

Slap the biscuit

Well folks Mrs. nozzle and I went for a drive in the Moose-mobile out to French Village. Mitch called and asked if I would bring my skates for a little shinny. He has quite the set up in his back yard. Not many kids have a lit outdoor ice rink. Actually there were a few kids that I can think of that had one, Wayne Gretzky, Sidney Crosby and Eric Lindros did. (hmmmmm) Anyway just a couple pics. One of the pics shows me and Mitch trying to get the puck back from Oliver (golden lab)

Greener's riddlerama: Your pushing your car, you stop at a hotel. At that precise moment you realize that you are bankrupt. What is actually going on?

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Drinky poo

Hey guys. I guess this is what really happens at night when I am at work. Mrs. Nozzle had a couple of girls over for some drinks or should I maybe say alot of drinks. I am surprised that the girls can drink that much and not get sick lol. Of course in the pic with Mrs. Nozzle is 26 rams of Meg and Ol' Shannon face. As for me we had a pretty busy night I responded to my first career busted toilet, a car crash, electrical problem and 2 medical assistance calls.

Greeners riddlerama: What happens when you through a round white rock into the sea?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ice-man cometh

Well folks it is finally cold enough for ice fishing. I think I might get a couple drunken days in on the ice. The only problem is when the guys go ice fishing we end up getting drunk and cooking what we catch then frying up all the bait. Good times! Some shacks even have satelite dishes on them for "the game". Anyway I took the girls for a drive down to the beach, but they got nervous and would only let me drive half way to the ice village. The other Picture is Mrs. Nozzle and Miss. Whispy-head playing board games here last night while I was at work.

Greener's riddlerama: He who has it doesn't tell about it. He who takes it doesn't know about it. He who knows what it is doesn't want it. What is it?

Isn't it nifty that Gary's #*...

Hey I was browsing the local hot sheets this morning and came across this ad for someone we know. Thats right, Gary Fournier is having a birthday. Besides the occassional bedwetting, slight memory loss, squeaky joints, no hair, and trips to the mall for a walk he aged gracefully. He must have money though because it is the only reason I can think of why an old guy can have such a hot wife!

Greener's TTA Tip: instead of frying some fatty bacon in the morning try cooking turkey bacon taste almost the same and is 1/4 the badness.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Well I just looked at Canadian Alpine and saw a picture of all the cousins alive at the time. For the sockit2me's and anyone else who does not know, I would be the oldest grandchild but I am trumped by one older. Alyssa got married last summer and I thought I would put a picture of what she looked like then and you can compare the 2 of us to the picture on Ol Mooses blog. The other picture is of the 3 drunks who almost got cut off at the bar in Montreal that day. (notice the pope hats)
Greener's riddlerama: From what heavy seven letter word can you take away two letters and have eight left?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Moose-cycle & nozzle-wheelie

Hey I bet you guys did not know that Mrs. Nozzle married into a bike gang did ya? What a bad bunch we are. That is Mrs. Nozzle on the back of that crotch rocket. Although I will never be able to wheelie like the great ginger nuc. I could get that baby up on one wheel and go through 3 gears! (I did it once with Mrs. Nozzle on the back and she did not talk to me for the rest of the day) And of course that is the mooseheads with their grampy gold wing bike. I shouldn't say anything though because I no longer have mine and occasionally borrow theirs.

The Nozzle question: Where do fish keep their money?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Turkey ball

Hello. January is a pretty boring blog month. Especially when we are avoiding all the parties and such due to the TTA. Here is our good friend Meg, she came over for supper tonight and is staying to watch American Idol "yahoo". Meg thought my potato ricer was groovy so I thought it would be nice to share the secret of my hidden potato ricing talent. I could not get the girls to stop laughing long enough to take a picture so this is the best one. Apparently Meg is pretty lucky, she was informed by an old friend (Jeremy) that she has no deformities or large bulges. So she is safe to wear a bikini down south.
You know what really grinds my gears? People who stop at a stop light in the middle of the lane so the cars turning right cannot get by. That folks really grinds my gears!

Monday, January 22, 2007

solid water?

Hey. For all of you who live in places with no solid water, here is a pic. I took this pic today from the same spot that the pic of Mitch, soapy and myself was taken back in Oct. I have to eat my words. I thought it would not be cold enough for ice fishing this year (another maritime drunken tradition) Although I would not drive across "hill billy highway" just yet, but as soon as it is safe I will get some pics of that as well.

The nozzle question: What do you get when you cross an automobile and a household pet?

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hair begone

Hello everyone, for those of you who have seen me lately I have been slightly hairier than normal. I had 2 weeks off so I decided to grow a beard. But tomorrow morning Ol' Moosegreen and I are going to a funeral for retired firefighter Capt. Harold Armstrong and thought I had better shave. anyway here are before and after pics. Place your vote. And if you thought I was just another pretty face that is my dress uniform shirt that I freshly pressed all by myself.

Greener's riddlerama: How many bricks does it take to finish a brick house?

Hannah Banana

Hey guys today was baby shower day for lil' Hannah. I did not get to go but Mrs. Nozzle and Mrs Moosegreen went. Actually Mrs. Moosegreen was the event organizer. Here in the pictures are 2 of the infamous fourniers, Meagan and her sister Debbie. Couple goodlooking chicks if I do say so myself. Of course can't leave out Mitch and Badly. The other pic is of course lil Hannah banana herself.

Greener's TTA tip: Instead of ordering a greasy old pizza make one yourself. Spread pizza sauce over a pita bread then add cheese and chicken and vegtables and voila you have a healthy pizza.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Congratulations to my friend Steph for solving the riddlerama she answered "Current" Way to go. "Tell her what she's won Bob" well she is the owner of a brand new energy efficient light bulb. To bad George is not here to help Stephanie accept this wonderful award but he is in Ottawa playing music with the BND. Stay tuned for the next installment of " Greener's riddlerama"

Coming undone

Hey folks we had a slow Saturday. Our good friends Eric and Amanda came over for a visit. And Ol' Deloris got a new load of synthetic oil and a filter she sure revs now! And yes Moosegreen that is oil spilled on the floor. I would like to say that I have not had a drink since about Dec 27th and I am starting to come apart in the mind. I vowed to dry out for the whole month of January but I am not so sure I can make it. I would like to let everyone know that the riddlerama's are all the same riddle the clues will keep coming until someone solves it.

Greener's riddlerama: It can carry messages but also ruin mail.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Your Farther was a snow blower and your Mama wore army boots!

Well here are pics of "real snow blowers" not sure what all those New Zealanders are talking about. We have several innovative ways for removing snow. The black one is similar to the one Gary Fournier has. The green one would attached to the front of a tractor for doing bigger areas like a parking lot or sidewalks. As you can see by the red one, that it throws the snow a pretty good distance. And just FYI after snow has been blown it makes great tunnel fort.
Greener's riddlerama: It comes and goes as it pleases but can't be seen.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Rub adub dub, have fun in the tub

Well our downstairs bathroom is starting to to take shape. Ol' Moosegreen would be proud because yes folks that is a level, T-square and measuring tape in the background. You could come over and calibrate a plumb bob with any piece of wood in there. We are still undecided whether we want to skirt the tub in with tile or pine.
Greener's riddlerama: What floats and sinks, is hot or cold and can be fun or dangerous?

Monday, January 15, 2007

White Gold

Damn New Zealanders and their "no snow" policy. We got a light dusting today of the white stuff. I am sure there will be more to come. This is good for my one ski trip of the year whenever that may be although not alot of skiing happens. Notice the "spinnarama" marks in front of our house, now why would Mrs. nozzle do that? Anyway I went a Seadogs game on the weekend with Mitch and Badly. When I asked Badly if the blimp would crash into the score board he yelled "NOOOOO IT'S MOTE CONTROL" So I guess I learn something new everyday!

Greener's TTA tip: If you are weight training, more weight fewer reps = mass, less weight higher reps = tone

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Through the valley of the shadow of death

Now that we are on the last stretch of winter, I am asking that we all band together and pray for my precious Horse Chestnut Tree that I tried to transplant last summer. It was not in good shape when it started the winter so here's hoping. I f I can get it to grow I will be the only one with such a thing around here. Although my lawn looks pretty lush, more so then Ol' Moosegreen grass!
Tidbit: You can never water your lawn enough, you dont need all the fancy chemicals if you keep it mowed properly it will look great on it's own!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Right at home

This was the scene at Chuck Hickey's 50th birthday party where I tended the bar. Mrs. Moosegreen came behind the bar for a quick photo op. It was a pretty busy bar. With all the beer on the house the empties piled up fast. Chuck is the president of I.A.F.F. Local 771. Needless to say he knows alot of people in and out of the fire profession.

Tidbit: Countdown is on till superbowl Sunday. Any ideas who it will be?

Sumertime blues

Hey guys I just walked home from poker and it is a wee bit chilly out. That had me thinking about summer and how I wish it was summer year long. If I have one bit of advice though it would be dont pee into the wind. Nobody wins in that situation! As for who is water skiing, we know who it isn't "eh" Eric!

Greener's TTA tip: Cut Pita bread into triangles and sprinkle a little italion seasoning on them then bake till crispy and you have yourself home made chips!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

big sis lil sis

Not sure if the blogging world has met Mrs. Nozzle's siblings yet? Well here they are. World I introduce to you Miss. Kylie Fox and of Course her older brother Eric. Not sure what Kylie is making there but sure looks good! Although some may not recognize her out of her Wilbur costume, I assure you that it is her!

Greener's deep thought: Pain heals, Chicks dig scars, Glory last forever!

Hurry up and slow down

Only a few more months till one of my favorite foods is out! Fiddle heads. Steamed fiddle heads drowned in vinager yummy! Anyway this looks alot like the plant that New Zealand has as their "token plant" do you eat that them?


A snowflake is like a finger print no 2 are ever alike!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Just wanted to give an update on the lives of the 2 love birds. Logan-Buddy and Macey-Face. Logan came over for a visit and unfortunately there is not to much for a 1 year old to play with here. So he decided to put a load of dishes in for us. As for Macey-Face she was just as content laying back and catching up on all the gossip.

Tidbit: Where exactly do garbage bag trees grow??