Thursday, December 27, 2007


Well since I have been super busy and working over Christmas, I have not been able to blog much so here is a quick one to hold you over. The first picture is of O'Leary's on Friday night and as you can see, Trent came home and we may have tied one on. The Nozzle inlaws joined us for supper at Mexi's and then came out afterwards. The Boys Next Store were playing. The other picture is on Sat. night just before we walked next door to the annual Olsen Christmas-cometh.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Well a couple weekends ago Mrs Nozzle and I attended a musical at the imperial which featured nun other then Lil' Whispy herself. She played a nun in the sound of music. Usually she is featured in more of a lead role but she decided to give someone else a turn this time around. Way to go. Everything went well excpet for the fact that Mrs Nozzle and I had to sit away from everyone else and I got stuck next to the "stinky kid". Turned out well though because they were sitting in the wrong seats and got moved before the show started.

One lost soldier

Good thing we live by the code "No one gets left behind" or this little guy would never have been able to bring joy and happiness to someone!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Where is my driveway?? Hymm oh there it is.


I think frosty had a few to many beer freezies! This is a snowman that Whispy made on her front lawn. I think the heavey wet snow made him tip a bit!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

Well this past saturday was our annual Christmas tree hunt. We all drove up to the tree farm and them everyone climbed in the back of Deloris and we drove up into the woods and searched out the perfect tree. We ended up chopping 3 trees down, ours, Eric and Amandas and Jay and Shannons. Of course ours is the best. I am not sure how the beer ended up there, someone must have stashed some in the truck. It was so cold that the beer froze in the bottle before we could drink it. Good thing we figured out how to keep it warm enough to drink.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday, December 07, 2007


Well Trent has decided to come home for a visit on the 17th. I am sure a night out or 2 is in order. We will have to get the ol' gang back together. We used to be famous around these parts but since he left there has been descension amongst the ranks. The gargoyle is is thirsty my friend come and give him a drink!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Diggen out

Well I had to work last night in for the first real storm of the season.

Now I have to go outside and plow my drivway.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Last night we enjoyed a seadogs game from an upper class vip box. Moosehead gave us their box for last nights game which came with beer and food. It was fun looking down on all the peasants in the cheap seats (which were every other seat in the house). That was our beer fridge which the girl had to keep refilling every 30 mins or so. They also had a teddy bear drive last night for X-mas. The first dogs goal people were instructed to through a new stuffed animal on the ice, it was mayhem! Dogs won 4-2 against the second best team in Canada Halifax Mooseheads.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

5 minutes of fame

Whispy and her friends got together back in the summer and decided to raise some money for the empty stocking fund. They held a yard sale and sold tickets on a x-mas basket. All in all I think they raised about 550 smackers. The annual empty stocking fund was this past sat. and they got to go on television to present the money then they sang a Christmas song. This years telethon was televised on Global TV and across canada on Star Choice satelite.

New Job

One of Mrs. Nozzles good friends April is getting married and the girls went to her Stagette party last night. They had asked me to come and be the exotic dancer but I was busy protecting the city. Anyway I am sure it was alot of fun except for the fact there was booze only pop and chips. That is April right in the middle.

LT. Green

Well we had a little due for the old guy on Friday night. Mr Moose got promoted this month on Nov 1. He holds the record for the longest time worked without promotion. Due to cut backs from city hall 4 years ago all promotions were put on hold "so to speak". Anyway all the usual suspects were here plus a few family members. It is hard to say who won the golden mug for most tipsy. Anyway that is Mr Moose and his new color helmet. Whispy thought she would try her hand at the red helmet .

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I did not give Mrs Nozzle permission to bring my PJs to the shower. Can I have them back please it is cold here at night!

Lil Ol' Preggo

Well I have to temporarily change Lil Ol' Beckys name to Lil Ol' Preggo. I had to miss the annual X-mas parade over the weekend but somebody had to protect the city. Anyway Mrs Nozzle went with the rents and whispy along with Eric and amanda pants and Lil Ol' Preggo had to sit down. On Sunday Mrs. Nozzle went to the baby shower that Amanda pants hosted for her. The baby will be a boy and after many negotiation meetings they decided not to call him Chris. They are going with Hunter.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nov 11

Rememberance day the fire dept. marched at harbour station in the annual city memorial. Just FYI next to Ottawa we have the biggest attendance for a Nv 11 service in Canada.


Well folks sorry I have not blogged in a while. This past sat. we decided to take the bikes out for a little trek. After about an hour or so on the trails we came across this idiot that thought he could drive his small 2 wheel drive dinky truck through this river. Needless to say we had to tow him out because he filled the engine compartment with water. Anyway the other pictures are in order.
first stop then our second stop but first fire then we went to another spot and had another fire. We did not get home until after dark, but had some romanos waiting for us.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


These are just a few more pictures to go with the previous blog.

all hallows eve

Well here are some pics from our annual halloween dance. There were some characters there that is for sure! And yes for those of you that are concerned, the Jay-man was out in full force! BTW that really is Harry Potter.

Friday, October 26, 2007

no hope

Red Sox 2 Rockies 1 CHUMPS! Now comes the biggest question, does Ortiz play in Colorado? The question is, who will sit? Lowell, Youkilis or Ortiz. I say sit lugo move Youkilis over to short and then give Big Papi first base. What do you think son of a milf?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

no contest

Red Sox 13 Rockies 1 come did they think they had a chance? Thanks for coming out francis, make sure you pick up your nice parting gift and a copy of the sox schedule on your way out!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's the yawkey way!


Friday, October 19, 2007

Game anyone?

Catch Phrase. The game that is guaranteed the start a fist fight in your home. We all got together to play this game at jay and shannons house on sat night. I word shows up on that little round thing, then you have to get your team to guess what the word is without saying the word or anything that rhymes with it. We played Guys against girls and cory the corduroy kid. Boy what a battle. If you have ever seen the movie Last Samurai then you know what kin of fight I am talking about!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

prep time

Well with winter just around the corner it is time to start preparing for the cold. I had a bunch of wood I cut last year that needed to be split. Ol' Moose balls came over to help me. Sucks being old and frail and not able to do any work.


damn it's coming!


the blogger assoc. met last night and heard your case. A motion was put forward to revers the charges and by unanimous vote a pardon has been given. Traitor no-more. Welcome back member in good standing.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Here are a few of the many still loyal to the blog flag! Way to go guys and dolls! Stay the course.


I just wanted to make the world aware of some blog traitors! Here are just a few people that have converted over to the devils page "facebook"! There are many more traitors out there prepared to sell their soul, far to many to post all their pics, but you know who you are!