Tuesday, October 31, 2006

global fire

At the recent IAFF convention in toronto, Delegates voted to approve a global alliance with other fire unions around the world. These unions include United Firefighters Union of Australia, the Fire Brigades Union of the United Kingdom, IAFF, and of course New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union. "We are more then 100% supportive of formalizing international alliances," said Derek Best, national secretary of the NZPFU. This alliance is crucial to continue to improve working conditions and staffing levels of our Depts. No matter what country they protect, firefighters share a common bond, and now we have the alliance to help us work toward a common goal.

tidbit Firefighters dont go to heavon! They go to hell and regroup!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Wood stove blues

I tell ya it is some nice to have a wood stove in the middle of winter,but I have been chopping wood for 2 weeks now and have not even put a dent in the pile! Michaela and I are looking into how much it would cost to have spiderman brought in for Christmas to help open gifts, he is some ripper!

Tid Bit of the day: If you were in an elevator that was falling at 100mph and just before impact you jumped up at a speed of 101mph would you feel the pain?

Friday, October 27, 2006

Dirty John

Sorry for the bad title folks but I have been a firefighter for close to 5 years and I have never been caught on the john until this morning! I was not a happy camper! The nerve of some people to call 911. Anyway what is with those sabres 10-0 wow. I know those dirty buffalos have foiled a few of my proline tickets, which is ok because when I get my sneaker business in New Zealand up and running proline will be trivial.

TidBit of the day If you were to hold a bullet at the end of a gun barrel, and youwere to drop the bullet and the exact moment you shot the gun, both bullets would hit the ground at the same time. put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Hello everyone. I thought it was about time for me to break into the world of blogging. Plus I thought the world needed to know the random useless information in my head! Anyway hope you all enjoy visiting this site in the future!