Monday, December 06, 2010

Tree Hunt '10

Well it was time for the annual tree hunt. It was not the same without snow and sub zero temps. Of Course the tree hunt would not be complete without a couple cold ones! In the pic from left to right Scott, Shelly, Amanda, Shannon, Shannon, Jay-man, and of course in the fornt row is lil Macey. Jayman was so happy to be there he could not even open his eyes.

Birth Control

Mrs Nozzle and I had the pleasure of Babysitting twins. Thats right 2 of them. As you can see I tried to wean one of them off the bottle. I think he may have a problem. I wore my best clothes for the occasion.

some visiters

We have been getting visiters every morning now. I dont mind them hanging out but the minute one of them touches my veggie garden I am putting in for tags!

Friday, December 03, 2010

Here's to the soldiers.

Trew Dat

We seen the trews up close and personal at the Imperial. That was Tim Chaisson who opened up for them. Notice the bare feet true maritime style.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Use Somebody


Well the 2010/11 winterconcert tour has begun and is in full swing. Lets start with Kings Of Leon in the Gardens. We brought lil Whispy head with us.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


After our visit and wreath laying at Arlington, we were welcomed onto the grounds of Fort Myer, which is home to the US Army and Us Marine Corps Honour guard. We were told there are no combat ready weapons on the base (but somehow I doubt that). We were able to go inside the stable and barracks of the Caisson unit. They are the funeral detail for Arlington. That is a picture of the horse who played the role of "the riderless horse" from Ronald Reagons funeral. He is the only non combat death to ever receive a riderless horse. The riderless horse is supposed to represent a soldier sitting backwards on his horse looking back at his fellow soldiers. There are 8 funerals a day at Arlington. The crews work a week on and a week off for 4 rotations, then the horses are brought to a large field off base and are set free to graze for a month. We were not allowed to take pictures of the Caisson unit, but I snuck a pic out the window of our bus when we were leaving.

Redskin time

While we were there, we got to tour Fedex Stadium. One of the Redskins was involved in a house fire when he was a kid and lost his little brother in the incident. He was nice enough to bring us around (he got in trouble for letting us on the field). While we were there, we got to meet Donovan McNabb and a couple other players. You can see his signature on the ball #5. And don't worry Mrs. Nozzle about the cheerleaders hitting on me, I blew them off!!


Well I am finally going to blog some pics from Washington. That is Patrick and I in front of the Washington Monument (he is the camper I escorted from NFLD). He and I posing with President Schaitberger inside the Capital Building, and the wreath we laid at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers at Arlington.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hey Y'all

I am blogging from Washington DC. I am here for the IAFF international Burn Camp. I will blog pictures when I get home next week. I have not met him yet but I did stand at the podium where Obama delivers his state of the union address. When you travel with a group of youth burn survivors you get into places nobody else has seen (except on tv) Anyway see you soon

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Multi Talented or what

Thats right I needed some extra hands to split this years heat. Mrs. Nozzle stepped up to the plate! I think she might be one of the best "hydrolic pump operatette" I have ever seen.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Blackbeard eat your heart out. I strapped on the pads for a game of street. unfortunately for me I was on the team against the Screaming Eagles. this is a picture of a 4 on 0 believe it or not they did not score! Now I know why goalies became goalies most of the game was spent holding up the net!

what the..

I cant even leave the province without the paparazzi following me. This was the cover of the Cape Breton Post this past Friday. I spent the week at the Atlantic Burn Camp. This is a 1 week long summer camp exclusively for burn injured/scared children.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

All done

Deloris is all done her make over I will post pics soon

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Eagles Glen

Well I am known for my unorthodox looken swing but believe it or not this drive went 280 yds
Blackbeard and I had a pretty good round that is a pic of where I drained a birdie put from approx 65 ft and the other one is of a lake that Mike skipped a ball across only to land on the green lol

Monday, August 02, 2010


Well we spent the weekend in PEI and we were able to attend a trews concert in Summerside. $20 admission, $4 beer all night long, small outdoor venue with only about 1000 people made it one of the best concerts!

Monday, July 19, 2010

oh no

Can anyone fix this? haha Deloris is undergoing a total makeover

Monday, July 12, 2010


Well.. Sat morning at 11:20 Myself and the rest of the crew of Engine 1 delivered a brand new baby boy in an apartment on Wright Street. The Junior man on the truck is also named Chris so I have been in contact with the mother to possible name the baby "Greener". Aside all the lovey dovey new baby stuff WHAT A F*#CKEN MESS! Paramedics arrived shortly after she popped it out.

Monday, June 28, 2010

could it be?

or is it just a tease?

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

no clapper

It is easy work when you dont even have to sing for the first half of the song

Monday, May 31, 2010


While in Halifax we met up with a friend ( Jay-mans cousin) Joanne and some of her Newfie friends that were in town to see the concert. Dinner at the Ale House then drinks apres concert at Dirty Nelly's. After Drinks it was off to the tables!

Concert tour 09-10

Well folks our concert tour is winding down to an end. We were to see David Gray in Halifax this past weekend.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I wish that clown next to me wasn't clapping like a moron

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Just arrived back home. Club seats were as awsome as usual. I am sure Bean Town will miss me. I will put some videos up tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Chuck-a-puck Local 771 saint john firefighters organize and sell the pucks that get thrown on the ice during the second intermission of every seadogs game. It is funny I tried to cash the giant cheque and the bank said it was no good. All that work for nothing. We actually raised more then 6000 but since the season is not over we did not know how much to make the cheque out for.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I would like to officially welcome the newest member to the nozzle family. Meet "the booze box"

Friday, April 02, 2010

Championship game

Well here are a couple highlights from the championship game. Check out that form. And..... Crosby whoooo.... It was a 2 goal night for the nozzle.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

yea baby


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

yea baby

Guess who scored box seats in the gardens again?? D.I.N.K. life

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I have not officially intrduced the newest member of the fleet. Everyone meet Lil'Tex. She is fittin in well with Violet and Deloris. Lil'Tex was adopted from a small town called Lubbock Texas. After a long trek cross country on a flat bed she reached her new wintery home. Lil'Tex is a Limited Edition Ford Escape complete with leather interior moonroof and full Microsoft SYNC program.