Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Thsi will be my last post fr about a week. We are off to bean town for a couple days then back to Waldoboro Maine for a couple days. It is a sin that I have to go to a redsox game and drive a viper around.

Harvest time

Well I am coming up on harvest time. Yes those are mutant tomatoe plants. I had to cut one of them down because it started eating the house. I have yellow beans, cherry tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes, yellow peppers, green peppers and jalapeno peppers.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

You complete me

Well here is the new recruit.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A sad day

The "Beer Room" is being retired. It yielded some warm beer last week so it was time to find a replcement. We had many good times together and it is sad to see her go. Stay tuned for the new replacement.

Well we had another successful Fosterville Field days. While the boys went out 4-wheeling all day after the parade the girls hung out aorund the hot tub and at the beach. Check out Jay-mans new ride it is 3 days old. Also we took a picture of the Fosterville mall sign.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Secret Weapon

It would be a boat trip without trying out Moose-mans new secret weapon. Here is the beginning the middle and the recovery. Again it is unfortunate that we did not have enough time for the nozzle to give it a go.

Oh well

This blog is for Mikki. I took the kids horsback riding a couple weeks ago. here are the 2 horses we used. I am pretty upset because we ran out of time and everyone got 2 turns on the horse and did not even get one. Oh well maybe next time I allow for more time.


A couple new pics for you guys we took to boat out for the day on New Brunswick day this week. One of the few days we have not had rain this summer. We ended up back at the nozzle nest for a bon-fire. Try and pick out the guy that cant swim.