Friday, March 27, 2009


Sorry for long delay folks but I promise some good blogs in the near future. Sorry black beard but this will be you at the end of your stag tomorrow night!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Well after having the biggest power bill we have ever had I have successfully lowered my bill by almost 70%. I believe the high bill was due to all the christmas lights. I guess cutting and splitting all that wood paid off (I fell the trees I am burning in Hampton so thanks Amanda) Maybe I could open a power consumption clinic.

hockey well sorry for long time no blog. Here are a couple commercials I like

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Cuplink asked me to post this picture from Oleary's. Not sure why but I dont argue with women when they get their mind set on something.

Apres Jeu

Well we also met America at the game and after we all met up with Blackbeard and Cuplink for a few Chardonnay at the ol' watering hole Oleary's. They could not come to the game because they were "getten it on" or something. Anyway it was a fun night with Sean Roach playing solo in the upper room.


Well Mrs Nozzle and I were assigned to sell chuck-a-pucks at the game on Fri. night. We met the Geriatric Moose folks there. As chuck-a-puck supervisor I had to delegate my sales position to Mrs. Moose so I could better supervise.


Damn I hate winter! This was the view from our garage around the half way point of the storm. Not sure if you can see but that is Optimus Prime stuck on the street during a reconnaissance mission.