Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Well nothing does an ice fishen trip justice like good food. For lunch we started with moose burgers then for super we had steaks, pork, goose and bear sausage. Also that is what happenes when you take your socks off and lay them on the wood stove to dry. Dont worry Jay-Man I wont menyion any names.

ice fishen

Well out of a possible 25 traps we were aloud to have, we only had 3 and one got lost. But the 2 holes we did have yielded 2 bass and a perch. It was pretty windy and snowing. The snowmobiles are missing from the pictures as they are out being raced at the moment.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Piss pants

Well Mrs. Nozzle and I paid a visit to Russel Hill Kennels where missy "piss pants" green is staying. I am still trying to recover from the ice fishing trip this past weekend. We had some feed, including canada goose, bear sausage and moose burgers not to mention the scallops and lobster that our fish dealing contact brought up from St. George on his snowmobile.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Hockey time

I just worked hard now give me 3 timbits. After visiting the ice village we headed up to the rothesay rink where we found Mitchel playing in a weekend tourney. Unfortunately they lost to Lancaster "yahoo in secret" Dont tell him I said that. He is Number 13.

well its fishen time

Mrs Nozzle and I went for a drive yesterday to the fishing village of Renforth. Looks like a pretty old town but it is one that only gets erected once a year. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahI said erected. Thats right it's an ice fishing village. I will have some more pictures of what really goes on in these places next weekend as me and the boys are heading to fosterville on a weekend ice fishen trip with the wheelers.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

white gold (yeah right)

Well here are a couple pictures we took out of our back window. Oh yeah the steelers did it yet again. A new record 6 superbowl wins. I went to Mikes where a few of us gathered to watch the big game and to reintroduce the nozzle to beer! I made the month of Jan with no booze and a proper diet and exercise program. All in all I lost 16lbs. since Jan 1 2009.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Winter run

Well I guess it was not such a good idea to take a winter wheeler run yesterday. The snowmobiles had not been on the trail we were on yet so the snow was to deep for our bikes. Here are a couple pictures of our adventure. And yes that is a romantic walk that Jay-man and I took to see we could even get through.