Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Home update

well hopefully we will be back in the nozzle nest next week. The ceramic is being laid tomorrow and then hardwood will follow. These are a couple of the new colours Mrs Nozz. picked.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

who ya gonna call??

This is a picture of a firehouse (hook and ladder8) we visited in New York city. If it looks familier to you check out ghostbusters 1 and 2. It is a working ladder company and was in service throughout filming of the 2 movies.

Bush or Busch

Well whoever said Bush was a bad guy they were wrong. This is me haveing a brew with the ol' fart (thats what I call him him when we are together) Also that is how close eric and I got to the ol' shack we were able to touch it.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Arlington was by far one the best stops for me. 360,000 service men and women are buried there. At the Tomb of the unknown soldier they have a 24 hour honor guard. We were lucky enough to witness the changing of the guard which happens every hour on the hour. The soldier takes 21 paces and pause 21 seconds then turns takes another 21 paces then another 21 seconds on the other side of the sarcophagus. 4 unkown soldiers from WW1 were exhumed in France, 1921, they were placed in 4 identical caskets. Army Sgt. Edward Younger selected one, which was to be transported to alrington. To the west of the tomb lie the crypts of unkown soldiers from WW2, Karea and Vietnam. The president at the time of each burial acted as next of kin to accept the interment flag, which are now on display at Arlington. I could have spent the whole day there checking out all 200 acres of tomb markers and memorials.

Saturday, March 08, 2008


Here are just a couple of picutres from Washington. There were to many "incidents" for just 1 blog so there will be more to follow. That is Mrs. Nozzle and I at Arlington National Cemetry where we witnessed the changing of the gaurd in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier, another of us at the white house. The last is of Ovechkin scoreing goal number 50 on the season.